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Blinatumomab in newly diagnosed adult patients with ALL in MRD negative remission: Results from ECON-ACRIN E1910

By Abhilasha Verma


Jan 10, 2023

Learning objective: After reading this article, learners will be able to cite a new clinical development in acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


Adults with newly diagnosed acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) achieve a high complete remission rate and measurable residual disease (MRD)-negative status with conventional chemotherapy; however, they often relapse post-induction and have suboptimal survival rates.1

Blinatumomab (blina), a bispecific T-cell engaging antibody that targets CD19, is Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for the treatment of children and adults with relapsed/refractory B-ALL and in morphologic complete response (CR) who are MRD positive (≥0.1).1

The ALL Hub has previously published the positive outcome of blina in patients with B-ALL and positive MRD at a minimum threshold of ≥10−4. Below, we report the preliminary results from the phase III ECOG-ACRIN E1910 study (NCT02003222) of blina consolidation in patients with newly diagnosed Philadelphia-negative B-ALL in MRD remission presented by Litzow, on behalf of the National Cooperative Clinical Trials Network, at the 64th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition as a late-breaking abstract.1

Study design

This is an ongoing phase III study of consolidation chemotherapy with/without blina in patients with newly diagnosed Philadelphia-negative B-ALL. In total, 286 patients were randomized to blina + chemotherapy or chemotherapy alone. The study design is outlined in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Study design* 

blina, blinatumomab; chemo, chemotherapy; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; MRD, measurable residual disease.
*Adapted from Litzow, et al.
Following FDA approval of blina for MRD+ disease in March 2018, MRD+ patients were no longer randomized but assigned to arm C.

The objective of the study was to determine if patients who become MRD⁻ (<0.01%) after induction chemotherapy can have improved outcomes with the addition of blina to chemotherapy consolidation compared with patients who received chemotherapy alone.


  • Overall, 488 patients with a median age of 51 years (range, 30–70 years) were enrolled in Step 1 induction therapy.
  • In total, 224 MRD⁻ patients were randomized, with 112 patients in each arm and 22 patients in each arm proceeding to allogeneic bone marrow transplant.
  • The CR/CR with incomplete hematologic recovery (CRi) rate after induction chemotherapy was 81%; the CR rate was 75% and CRi rate was 6%.
  • In a third interim efficacy analysis of MRD⁻ patients, 17 patients in the blina arm and 39 in the control chemotherapy arm had died.
  • The upper limit for efficacy analysis was crossed in favor of blina with a significant improvement in overall survival for the blina arm (median OS, not reached vs 71.4 months; Hazard ratio, 0.42; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.24–0.75; two-sided p = 0.003).
  • The median follow-up was 43 months and no significant safety signals were reported.


The addition of blina to consolidation chemotherapy has shown better survival outcomes vs chemotherapy alone in patients with newly diagnosed B-ALL who were MRD after intensification, with no new safety concerns reported. Based on these findings, the authors suggest that the addition of blina to consolidation chemotherapy represents a new standard of care for adult patients with MRDPhiladelphia-negative B-ALL.


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